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  • Talk about XB
  • Include light time correction and abberation computations

Ephemeris frame conversion

??? "check" Validation From this state: [Earth J2000] 2022-11-30T06:26:37 TAI position = [191703.640707, 58555.734553, 17306.278555] km velocity = [1.187466, 0.685439, 0.291848] km/s Started with this state: [Moon J2000] 2022-11-30T06:26:37 TAI position = [-139995.632274, 198959.755804, 112933.152325] km velocity = [0.674319, -0.143505, -0.099761] km/s Converted to this state in Nyx: [Earth J2000] 2022-11-30T06:26:37 TAI position = [191703.640707, 58555.734553, 17306.278555] km velocity = [1.187466, 0.685439, 0.291848] km/s Which was then inputed into GMAT, and used GMAT to convert back to Moon J2000, which led to this: In Moon J2000 in GMAT: position = [-139995.616184, 198959.764185, 112933.153003] km velocity = [0.674318, -0.143505, -0.099760] km/s