Module astro
Class AzElRange
class AzElRange( epoch, azimuth_deg, elevation_deg, range_km, range_rate_km_s )
A structure that stores the result of Azimuth, Elevation, Range, Range rate calculation.
Instance variables¶
Variable azimuth_deg
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable elevation_deg
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable epoch
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable range_km
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable range_rate_km_s
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Method is_valid
def is_valid( self, / )
Returns false if the range is less than one millimeter, or any of the angles are NaN.
Class Ellipsoid
class Ellipsoid( semi_major_equatorial_radius_km, polar_radius_km=None, semi_minor_equatorial_radius_km=None )
Only the tri-axial Ellipsoid shape model is currently supported by ANISE. This is directly inspired from SPICE PCK.
For each body, three radii are listed: The first number is the largest equatorial radius (the length of the semi-axis containing the prime meridian), the second number is the smaller equatorial radius, and the third is the polar radius.
Example: Radii of the Earth.
BODY399_RADII = ( 6378.1366 6378.1366 6356.7519 )
Instance variables¶
Variable polar_radius_km
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable semi_major_equatorial_radius_km
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable semi_minor_equatorial_radius_km
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Method flattening
def flattening( self, / )
Returns the flattening ratio, computed from the mean equatorial radius and the polar radius
Method is_sphere
def is_sphere( self, / )
Method is_spheroid
def is_spheroid( self, / )
Method mean_equatorial_radius_km
def mean_equatorial_radius_km( self, / )
Returns the mean equatorial radius in kilometers
Class Frame
class Frame( ephemeris_id, orientation_id, mu_km3_s2=None, shape=None )
A Frame uniquely defined by its ephemeris center and orientation. Refer to FrameDetail for frames combined with parameters.
Instance variables¶
Variable ephemeris_id
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable orientation_id
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable shape
Shape of the geoid of this frame, only defined on geodetic frames
Method ephem_origin_id_match
def ephem_origin_id_match( self, /, other_id )
Returns true if the ephemeris origin is equal to the provided ID
Method ephem_origin_match
def ephem_origin_match( self, /, other )
Returns true if the ephemeris origin is equal to the provided frame
Method flattening
def flattening( self, / )
Returns the flattening ratio (unitless)
Method is_celestial
def is_celestial( self, / )
Returns whether this is a celestial frame
Method is_geodetic
def is_geodetic( self, / )
Returns whether this is a geodetic frame
Method mean_equatorial_radius_km
def mean_equatorial_radius_km( self, / )
Returns the mean equatorial radius in km, if defined
Method mu_km3_s2
def mu_km3_s2( self, / )
Returns the gravitational parameters of this frame, if defined
Method orient_origin_id_match
def orient_origin_id_match( self, /, other_id )
Returns true if the orientation origin is equal to the provided ID
Method orient_origin_match
def orient_origin_match( self, /, other )
Returns true if the orientation origin is equal to the provided frame
Method polar_radius_km
def polar_radius_km( self, / )
Returns the polar radius in km, if defined
Method semi_major_radius_km
def semi_major_radius_km( self, / )
Returns the semi major radius of the tri-axial ellipoid shape of this frame, if defined
Method strip
def strip( self, / )
Removes the graviational parameter and the shape information from this frame. Use this to prevent astrodynamical computations.
Method with_ephem
def with_ephem( self, /, new_ephem_id )
Returns a copy of this Frame whose ephemeris ID is set to the provided ID
Method with_mu_km3_s2
def with_mu_km3_s2( self, /, mu_km3_s2 )
Returns a copy of this frame with the graviational parameter set to the new value.
Method with_orient
def with_orient( self, /, new_orient_id )
Returns a copy of this Frame whose orientation ID is set to the provided ID
Class Orbit
class Orbit( x_km, y_km, z_km, vx_km_s, vy_km_s, vz_km_s, epoch, frame )
Defines a Cartesian state in a given frame at a given epoch in a given time scale. Radius data is expressed in kilometers. Velocity data is expressed in kilometers per second. Regardless of the constructor used, this struct stores all the state information in Cartesian coordinates as these are always non singular.
Unless noted otherwise, algorithms are from GMAT 2016a StateConversionUtil.cpp.
Instance variables¶
Variable epoch
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable frame
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable vx_km_s
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable vy_km_s
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable vz_km_s
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable x_km
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable y_km
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Variable z_km
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Method add_aop_deg
def add_aop_deg( self, /, delta_aop_deg )
Returns a copy of the state with a provided AOP added to the current one
Method add_apoapsis_periapsis_km
def add_apoapsis_periapsis_km( self, /, delta_ra_km, delta_rp_km )
Returns a copy of this state with the provided apoasis and periapsis added to the current values
Method add_ecc
def add_ecc( self, /, delta_ecc )
Returns a copy of the state with a provided ECC added to the current one
Method add_inc_deg
def add_inc_deg( self, /, delta_inc_deg )
Returns a copy of the state with a provided INC added to the current one
Method add_raan_deg
def add_raan_deg( self, /, delta_raan_deg )
Returns a copy of the state with a provided RAAN added to the current one
Method add_sma_km
def add_sma_km( self, /, delta_sma )
Returns a copy of the state with a provided SMA added to the current one
Method add_ta_deg
def add_ta_deg( self, /, delta_ta_deg )
Returns a copy of the state with a provided TA added to the current one
Method aol_deg
def aol_deg( self, / )
Returns the argument of latitude in degrees
NOTE: If the orbit is near circular, the AoL will be computed from the true longitude instead of relying on the ill-defined true anomaly.
Method aop_deg
def aop_deg( self, / )
Returns the argument of periapsis in degrees
Method apoapsis_altitude_km
def apoapsis_altitude_km( self, / )
Returns the altitude of apoapsis (or apogee around Earth), in kilometers.
Method apoapsis_km
def apoapsis_km( self, / )
Returns the radius of apoapsis (or apogee around Earth), in kilometers.
Method at_epoch
def at_epoch( self, /, new_epoch )
Adjusts the true anomaly of this orbit using the mean anomaly.
Astrodynamics note¶
This is not a true propagation of the orbit. This is akin to a two body propagation ONLY without any other force models applied. Use Nyx for high fidelity propagation.
Method c3_km2_s2
def c3_km2_s2( self, / )
Returns the \(C_3\) of this orbit in km^2/s^2
Method declination_deg
def declination_deg( self, / )
Returns the declination of this orbit in degrees
Method distance_to_km
def distance_to_km( self, /, other )
Returns the distance in kilometers between this state and another state, if both frame match (epoch does not need to match).
Method ea_deg
def ea_deg( self, / )
Returns the eccentric anomaly in degrees
This is a conversion from GMAT's StateConversionUtil::TrueToEccentricAnomaly
Method ecc
def ecc( self, / )
Returns the eccentricity (no unit)
Method energy_km2_s2
def energy_km2_s2( self, / )
Returns the specific mechanical energy in km^2/s^2
Method eq_within
def eq_within( self, /, other, radial_tol_km, velocity_tol_km_s )
Returns whether this orbit and another are equal within the specified radial and velocity absolute tolerances
Method fpa_deg
def fpa_deg( self, / )
Returns the flight path angle in degrees
Method from_cartesian
def from_cartesian( x_km, y_km, z_km, vx_km_s, vy_km_s, vz_km_s, epoch, frame )
Creates a new Cartesian state in the provided frame at the provided Epoch.
Units: km, km, km, km/s, km/s, km/s
Method from_keplerian
def from_keplerian( sma, ecc, inc, raan, aop, ta, epoch, frame )
Creates a new Orbit around the provided Celestial or Geoid frame from the Keplerian orbital elements.
Units: km, none, degrees, degrees, degrees, degrees
NOTE: The state is defined in Cartesian coordinates as they are non-singular. This causes rounding errors when creating a state from its Keplerian orbital elements (cf. the state tests). One should expect these errors to be on the order of 1e-12.
Method from_keplerian_altitude
def from_keplerian_altitude( sma_altitude, ecc, inc, raan, aop, ta, epoch, frame )
Creates a new Orbit from the provided semi-major axis altitude in kilometers
Method from_keplerian_apsis_altitude
def from_keplerian_apsis_altitude( apo_alt, peri_alt, inc, raan, aop, ta, epoch, frame )
Creates a new Orbit from the provided altitudes of apoapsis and periapsis, in kilometers
Method from_keplerian_apsis_radii
def from_keplerian_apsis_radii( r_a, r_p, inc, raan, aop, ta, epoch, frame )
Attempts to create a new Orbit from the provided radii of apoapsis and periapsis, in kilometers
Method from_keplerian_mean_anomaly
def from_keplerian_mean_anomaly( sma_km, ecc, inc_deg, raan_deg, aop_deg, ma_deg, epoch, frame )
Initializes a new orbit from the Keplerian orbital elements using the mean anomaly instead of the true anomaly.
Implementation notes¶
This function starts by converting the mean anomaly to true anomaly, and then it initializes the orbit using the keplerian(..) method. The conversion is from GMAT's MeanToTrueAnomaly function, transliterated originally by Claude and GPT4 with human adjustments.
Method from_latlongalt
def from_latlongalt( latitude_deg, longitude_deg, height_km, angular_velocity, epoch, frame )
Creates a new Orbit from the latitude (φ), longitude (λ) and height (in km) with respect to the frame's ellipsoid given the angular velocity.
Units: degrees, degrees, km, rad/s NOTE: This computation differs from the spherical coordinates because we consider the flattening of body. Reference: G. Xu and Y. Xu, "GPS", DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-50367-6_2, 2016
Method height_km
def height_km( self, / )
Returns the geodetic height in km.
Reference: Vallado, 4th Ed., Algorithm 12 page 172.
Method hmag
def hmag( self, / )
Returns the norm of the orbital momentum
Method hx
def hx( self, / )
Returns the orbital momentum value on the X axis
Method hy
def hy( self, / )
Returns the orbital momentum value on the Y axis
Method hyperbolic_anomaly_deg
def hyperbolic_anomaly_deg( self, / )
Returns the hyperbolic anomaly in degrees between 0 and 360.0 Returns an error if the orbit is not hyperbolic.
Method hz
def hz( self, / )
Returns the orbital momentum value on the Z axis
Method inc_deg
def inc_deg( self, / )
Returns the inclination in degrees
Method is_brouwer_short_valid
def is_brouwer_short_valid( self, / )
Returns whether this state satisfies the requirement to compute the Mean Brouwer Short orbital element set.
This is a conversion from GMAT's StateConversionUtil::CartesianToBrouwerMeanShort.
The details are at the log level info
NOTE: Mean Brouwer Short are only defined around Earth. However, nyx
does not check the
main celestial body around which the state is defined (GMAT does perform this verification).
Method latitude_deg
def latitude_deg( self, / )
Returns the geodetic latitude (φ) in degrees. Value is between -180 and +180 degrees.
Frame warning¶
This state MUST be in the body fixed frame (e.g. ITRF93) prior to calling this function, or the computation is invalid.
Method latlongalt
def latlongalt( self, / )
Returns the geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude, and geodetic height, respectively in degrees, degrees, and kilometers.
This uses the Heikkinen procedure, which is not iterative. The results match Vallado and GMAT.
Method light_time
def light_time( self, / )
Returns the light time duration between this object and the origin of its reference frame.
Method longitude_deg
def longitude_deg( self, / )
Returns the geodetic longitude (λ) in degrees. Value is between 0 and 360 degrees.
Frame warning¶
This state MUST be in the body fixed frame (e.g. ITRF93) prior to calling this function, or the computation is invalid.
Method ma_deg
def ma_deg( self, / )
Returns the mean anomaly in degrees
This is a conversion from GMAT's StateConversionUtil::TrueToMeanAnomaly
Method periapsis_altitude_km
def periapsis_altitude_km( self, / )
Returns the altitude of periapsis (or perigee around Earth), in kilometers.
Method periapsis_km
def periapsis_km( self, / )
Returns the radius of periapsis (or perigee around Earth), in kilometers.
Method period
def period( self, / )
Returns the period in seconds
Method raan_deg
def raan_deg( self, / )
Returns the right ascension of the ascending node in degrees
Method ric_difference
def ric_difference( self, /, other )
Returns a Cartesian state representing the RIC difference between self and other, in position and velocity (with transport theorem). Refer to dcm_from_ric_to_inertial for details on the RIC frame.
- Compute the RIC DCM of self
- Rotate self into the RIC frame
- Rotation other into the RIC frame
- Compute the difference between these two states
- Strip the astrodynamical information from the frame, enabling only computations from
Method right_ascension_deg
def right_ascension_deg( self, / )
Returns the right ascension of this orbit in degrees
Method rmag_km
def rmag_km( self, / )
Returns the magnitude of the radius vector in km
Method rss_radius_km
def rss_radius_km( self, /, other )
Returns the root mean squared (RSS) radius difference between this state and another state, if both frames match (epoch does not need to match)
Method rss_velocity_km_s
def rss_velocity_km_s( self, /, other )
Returns the root mean squared (RSS) velocity difference between this state and another state, if both frames match (epoch does not need to match)
Method semi_minor_axis_km
def semi_minor_axis_km( self, / )
Returns the semi minor axis in km, includes code for a hyperbolic orbit
Method semi_parameter_km
def semi_parameter_km( self, / )
Returns the semi parameter (or semilatus rectum)
Method set_aop_deg
def set_aop_deg( self, /, new_aop_deg )
Mutates this orbit to change the AOP
Method set_ecc
def set_ecc( self, /, new_ecc )
Mutates this orbit to change the ECC
Method set_inc_deg
def set_inc_deg( self, /, new_inc_deg )
Mutates this orbit to change the INC
Method set_raan_deg
def set_raan_deg( self, /, new_raan_deg )
Mutates this orbit to change the RAAN
Method set_sma_km
def set_sma_km( self, /, new_sma_km )
Mutates this orbit to change the SMA
Method set_ta_deg
def set_ta_deg( self, /, new_ta_deg )
Mutates this orbit to change the TA
Method sma_altitude_km
def sma_altitude_km( self, / )
Returns the SMA altitude in km
Method sma_km
def sma_km( self, / )
Returns the semi-major axis in km
Method ta_deg
def ta_deg( self, / )
Returns the true anomaly in degrees between 0 and 360.0
NOTE: This function will emit a warning stating that the TA should be avoided if in a very near circular orbit Code from
LIMITATION: For an orbit whose true anomaly is (very nearly) 0.0 or 180.0, this function may return either 0.0 or 180.0 with a very small time increment. This is due to the precision of the cosine calculation: if the arccosine calculation is out of bounds, the sign of the cosine of the true anomaly is used to determine whether the true anomaly should be 0.0 or 180.0. In other words, there is an ambiguity in the computation in the true anomaly exactly at 180.0 and 0.0.
Method ta_dot_deg_s
def ta_dot_deg_s( self, / )
Returns the time derivative of the true anomaly computed as the 360.0 degrees divided by the orbital period (in seconds).
Method tlong_deg
def tlong_deg( self, / )
Returns the true longitude in degrees
Method velocity_declination_deg
def velocity_declination_deg( self, / )
Returns the velocity declination of this orbit in degrees
Method vinf_periapsis_km
def vinf_periapsis_km( self, /, turn_angle_degrees )
Returns the radius of periapse in kilometers for the provided turn angle of this hyperbolic orbit. Returns an error if the orbit is not hyperbolic.
Method vinf_turn_angle_deg
def vinf_turn_angle_deg( self, /, periapsis_km )
Returns the turn angle in degrees for the provided radius of periapse passage of this hyperbolic orbit Returns an error if the orbit is not hyperbolic.
Method vmag_km_s
def vmag_km_s( self, / )
Returns the magnitude of the velocity vector in km/s
Method with_aop_deg
def with_aop_deg( self, /, new_aop_deg )
Returns a copy of the state with a new AOP
Method with_apoapsis_periapsis_km
def with_apoapsis_periapsis_km( self, /, new_ra_km, new_rp_km )
Returns a copy of this state with the provided apoasis and periapsis
Method with_ecc
def with_ecc( self, /, new_ecc )
Returns a copy of the state with a new ECC
Method with_inc_deg
def with_inc_deg( self, /, new_inc_deg )
Returns a copy of the state with a new INC
Method with_raan_deg
def with_raan_deg( self, /, new_raan_deg )
Returns a copy of the state with a new RAAN
Method with_sma_km
def with_sma_km( self, /, new_sma_km )
Returns a copy of the state with a new SMA
Method with_ta_deg
def with_ta_deg( self, /, new_ta_deg )
Returns a copy of the state with a new TA
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